Monday, March 31, 2014


Mexico is rich in culture and history. It is sad to see racial prejudices in Mexico because essentially people all share a common language and history, and usually it just happens to be genetic reason why some people are lighter than others. I never knew how diverse Mexico was in accordance to religion. I thought Mexico was just a Catholic state, but instead it is home to many different religions, one being Islamic.

Monday, March 24, 2014


   Education in India is very poor. Only a small percent, "the elite", are able to obtain a good education. However, recently many Indians have registered for courses on edX, the massive open online course (Mooc) platform founded by Massachusetts Institute and Harvard University to host online university-level courses.  Over 2.5 Indians have registered for these online courses. This makes India the second largest community, after Americans, to register for these courses. The courses are led by some of the finest professors in the world. All students require is internet and after completion of the courses they receive a certificate from the university that provided the course.  For Indians, the most popular courses have been those related to computer science, engineering, and public health. Indians account for about 50 percent of the 70,000 enrollments in Harvard's public health course. 
   I think this is great that top universities are offering these kind of courses for people around the world. I think it gives a great push to those who cannot afford to go to college. I also think this is great for India since there are many people who cannot afford college and education is terrible.

Monday, March 17, 2014

It's in the Past, I still Love You China

Having lived in China, I can honestly say I am glad I am a United States American citizen. When I was in China, I was grouped up with classmates and tasked with figuring out a social problem happening in China. We ultimately choose migrant workers’ labor rights. It is common knowledge that the workers in China are treated unfairly and there is no system (labor unions) in place to help them. China has ONE labor union, but it doesn’t work as the labor unions we know here in America. The labor union works as a meet up for skilled workers. Rampant labor rights abuses are perpetrated as a result of migrant workers disadvantaged position in Chinese society. In addition, migrant workers generally lack urban hukous, and, by definition, always lack the hukous of where they have gone to find work. They frequently work in small enterprises, and often lack contracts or any sort of official relationship with their employer. After researching and interviewing with my group, we found out that there are non-governmental organizations that work as labor unions American style (although some of the places we went, somehow disappeared before and after we found there headquarters!). China is moving forward and has improved with the abuse in this area. Currently the President (Chairman, Committee leader, some other leader of a group, plus five more titles) is taking a stand on corruption; this gives me hope that China is heading in a good direction, and more will come of it.